I recently joined the University of Mons (UMONS) as a assistant professor in Cybersecurity. My UMONS profile page is available here. I previously was a FNRS Postdoctoral fellow working on computer network protocols. I graduated under the supervision of Prof. Olivier Bonaventure at UCLouvain. I was part of the IP Networking Lab research group.
My research interests include, but are not limited to:
My research activites and publications are detailed in the research section of this website. You can also retrieve the materials related to previously presented tutorials on the teaching page.
You may also have a look at my Google Scholar profile.
My thesis is freely available here and you can watch my public thesis defense on YouTube.
Proceedings for the IEEE ICNP'24 conference are now available on IEEE Xplore.
29 Jul. 2024Registrations for the IEEE ICNP 2024 conference, to be held in Charleroi (Belgium), are now open.
04 Jun. 2024Presenting my paper "Core QUIC: Enabling Dynamic, Implementation-Agnostic Protocol Extensions" at IFIP Networking 2024, the technical report is freely accessible on ArXiV.
21 May 2024Currently chairing the TMA'24 PhD School in Dresden, Germany.
20 Feb. 2024Our paper "On Integrating eBPF into Pluginized Protocols" is now published in ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review.